

Your Doc’s In was founded in 2005 by three emergency medicine specialists, Drs. Walt Gianelle, Steve Vernon and Gerri Goertzen.

The founders saw a need in the community for individuals who had an unexpected health problem. Appointments with primary doctors were often delayed, and having every unexpected problem go to the emergency department was not a good solution. Patients wanted an option that offered quality, personalized care in a cost-effective setting without the long wait of the emergency room. The founders of Your Doc’s In understood that many of the problems treated in the emergency room did not require that level of care or the cost associated with going to the emergency room. Offering patients an alternative was the right solution to meet their needs and to give back to the community. The doors of Your Doc’s In  opened, providing care for patients that did not need an appointment.

Your Doc’s In too found that employers needed a convenient, cost-effective solution for their occupational needs and that met the hours that were convenient to themselves and their employees. As a result, Your Doc’s In added occupational health services to the array of comprehensive services being offered to the community and employer’s alike.